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International Scholarships

Apply for Multiple Scholarships with a Single Online Application

Please visit the International Student Services page for additional information about admission applications and deadlines. International students are eligible to receive Transfer Scholarships. Most scholarship deadlines are February 1 for the upcoming academic year. 

UCM Scholarship Finder

The  application is now available.

The UCM Scholarship Finder makes it easy to find and apply for UCM Alumni Foundation scholarships. Simply fill out a single application that is automatically submitted toward all eligible scholarships! Scholarship applications are available according to the following schedule: 


Academic year Application period open Application period closes Decisions made
2024-2025 August 1, 2023 February 1, 2024 May 1, 2024
2025-2026 August 1, 2024 February 1, 2025 May 1, 2025
2026-2027 August 1, 2025 February 1, 2026 May 1, 2026


Note: International Students are eligible to apply for the Duane R. Sterling Scholarship - Rotary Program scholarship. 

Criteria: International Student with a GPA of 3.0 (undergraduate) or 3.5 (graduate). 
If awarded, the student receives tuition, housing, meals, etc included for the year. 
The scholar is expected to do presentations to the 3 local Rotary clubs, attend the district conference (usually in the spring in central or south Missouri), visit the Capitol in Jeff City, visit Rotary Headquarters in Chicago, and attend a variety of UCM or Rotary events during the 2 semesters.



Scholarship Questions

How do I find a scholarship for my major?

Information regarding UCM Alumni Foundation scholarships is available through UCM Scholarship Finder (Formerly MoCents), the University's .

How do I apply for a UCM Freshman scholarship?

Your high school transcript and the information you provide on University of Central Missouri's application for admission are reviewed to determine your eligibility for freshman academic scholarships. Students must submit the online scholarship application to be considered for UCM’s Missouri Boys State/Girls State Scholarship and .

Where can I find more scholarships to apply for?

Information about scholarships external to UCM is available in the External Scholarships section on this page.

What do I do if I receive a scholarship check?

Complete details on how to submit your off-campus scholarship check(s) are located on this page under "Submitting Scholarship Checks to UCM."

Do I have to be a full-time student to receive a UCM scholarship?

Most of the UCM scholarships require full-time enrollment (earning a minimum of 9 (nine) Graduate hours per semester at UCM).

Can my conduct affect my UCM scholarship eligibility?

 Scholarships may be reduced or canceled if the recipient fraudulently misrepresents any information or engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty.

Submitting Scholarship Checks to UCM

If you are the recipient of a scholarships sponsored by a civic organization, employer, church, etc., please instruct the sponsor to make the scholarship check payable to University of Central Missouri and forward it to:

University of Central Missouri
Student Financial Services - Scholarships
PO Box 800
1100 Ward Edwards Building 
Warrensburg, MO 64093

If the sponsor provides you with the scholarship check:

  1. Endorse the check if it is made payable to you and UCM.
  2. Attach the check to a photocopy of the award letter and any supporting documents.
  3. Bring the check and photocopy documentation to Freshman Orientation and Enrollment or mail/deliver them to the Student Financial Services Office.

Caution: If the scholarship check is made payable only to you, you should cash the check on your own and use it for educational expenses.

When we receive your scholarship check, we will credit your UCM student account. The amount of the scholarship check will be divided evenly between the Fall and Spring semesters unless otherwise instructed in writing by the scholarship sponsor.


External Scholarships

Please Note: University of Central Missouri is making these links to external scholarships and/or loans available as a service. We do not control these award processes and offer no assurances related to them.



  •  - Construction Majors
  • Access Extra Scholarship - (Access MO eligible, senior in high school, 28 or higher ACT composite score or SAT equivalent)
  •  - Business Majors
  •  - Aviation Majors
  • Cass Regional Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship
  •  (Scroll to bottom for application)
  •  (multiple scholarships)
  •  (medical related majors)
  •  (Agriculture related majors)
  •  (Science Degrees)
  •  for Interior Design Students
  •  for Health Care Students
  •  (Offered to undergraduate students at SO, JR or SR level who are attending a Missouri public 4-year institution)

Wondering if a scholarship is too good to be true? Maybe it is. Check the following two sites to be sure.


Scholarship Calculator
