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Course Withdrawals for Extenuating Circumstances

Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the Registrar's Office for a late withdrawal of a course (not a full schedule).  

For the purposes of a late withdrawal, “extenuating circumstances” are defined as follows:

  • An extended absence due to verifiable accident, illness or personal problem serious enough to cause withdrawal from the university;
  • An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family;
  • An error made by UCM;
  • An unusual or very special case that merits consideration.

The following are not considered to be extenuating circumstances:

  • Grade anticipation in class is not sufficiently high, or student is doing failing work (including plagiarism);
  • Thought that the course had been dropped, either by the student or a university employee;
  • Could not drop class due to a hold or was unable to drop online due to other circumstances;
  • Failure to attend class, complete assignments, or take a test;
  • Dissatisfaction with the course material, instructional method, or instructor;
  • Class is harder than expected;
  • Pressure of other classes, employment, and/or participation in extracurricular activities;
  • A change in major;
  • Lack of awareness of the withdrawal deadline or process.

The late withdrawal petition form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing. If the late withdrawal is granted, a grade of LD will be assigned.   An LD has no impact on GPA.  (An LW is assigned by Student Experience and Engagement if an entire schedule is withdrawn.)

Students are notified of the last day to drop a course well in advance and through multiple contacts (e-mails, MyCentral messages, Facebook/Twitter, etc.).  Petitions for late withdrawals are only approved with supporting documentation of an extenuating circumstance. 

Complete Withdrawals

Students who are completely withdrawing from the University within the withdrawal period must initiate the withdrawal process in MyCentral. If the student has a hold on their account that is preventing the drop process, he or she should contact the Office of Student Experience & Engagement (660-543-4114 or 

Students who are completely withdrawing from the University after the withdrawal period must initiate the withdrawal with the Office of Student Experience & Engagement. Staff will assist the student with tying up any loose ends with the university (housing, parking, fees, etc.).  Withdrawals after the W date are by petition only and are for extenuating circumstances such as serious illness, death in the family, or military obligation. 
