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Housing Forms and Resources


Housing/Meal Plan Cancellation Form

Note that this form is to cancel an existing housing agreement or meal plan agreement.  If you are appealing charges or having a required agreement, please use appeals form found below.

Understand that there may be large financial implications for canceling your housing agreement mid-year or based on any criteria for approval.  If you are not sure if your cancellation subjects you to any penalties, please email us at and we will happily clarify!






Housing/Meal Plan Cancellation Form

UCM Housing and Meal Plan Cancellation - Note that there are penalties involved with breaking your housing agreement. Please refer to section #8 in Terms of Agreement for details. Your deposit is only refunded in accordance with the terms.
provide today's date
Please provide your ucmo email address if a current student
Skip if you are NOT currently assigned to a specific space
Select All that Apply
Check All That Apply
Check ALL semesters that apply. Please see contract for possible cancellation penalties.
This is the date you are leaving your room/apartment. Please be sure to properly check out with staff. Skip if you are not cancelling your housing.
Only check if you did rentt! Loft Rentals, fridges, and microwaves rented from USHA need to be returned prior to leaving campus. This is ONLY if you rented a loft or fridge from UCM.
Please be as detailed as possible
If you are not sure if your cancellation meets approved criteria, please email us at to your confirmation email and we will happily assist.
I understand that if I am a current student with a plan from fall and continuing from spring, my cancellation will automatically be denied.

Housing Appeal Form

Note that this form is for appealing charges related to housing or meal plans.
This is NOT for cancelling a housing agreement, application or meal plan.  See above.


University Housing Appeal Form

If this is your second appeal for this charge, this appeal will go to an appeals board and the decision will be based solely on your written material.
Please note that for current students, correspondence will ONLY be sent to your student email address.
This is the number which we will use to contact you if you wish to discuss your appeal over the phone.
Please provide specific context and information. If you have documentation you would like to attach, please email that immediately following the submission of your appeal to
How would you prefer your appeal decision to be determined?


Sign up for Break Housing (Thanksgiving, Winter, or Spring Break)

Please make sure you are choosing the right break period!

Note that for Fall Break (October 17-18), the residence halls remain open and no sign-up required.


Thanksgiving Break


Apartments do NOT have to sign up - Apartment residents are free to come and go as needed during breaks.


Winter Break


Apartments do NOT have to sign up - Apartment residents are free to come and go as needed during breaks.


Spring Break


Apartments do NOT have to sign up - Apartment residents are free to come and go as needed during breaks.

2024-2025 Meal Plan Agreement

Download Meal Plan Agreement

We encourage students to complete this via MyCentral rather print and mail.  This is available to complete instantly via under the housing section.

Request for Exemption from UCM's Residency Requirement Form

Traditional Students:

Living on campus helps you meet new people, get involved in activities and can boost your GPA. For these reasons and more, UCM requires all students to reside on campus for the first two years and be on specific meal plans unless they meet established criteria.


Students are automatically exempt if they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Are 21 years of age or older by the start of the semester for which they are starting at UCM
  • Have 60 UCM accepted credit hours completed by the start of the start of the semester
  • Have lived in UCM campus housing for two full academic years (academic year defined as Fall and Spring semesters)
  • Have been approved for exemption for two full academic years already (academic year defined as Fall and Spring semesters)
  • Have combined two full academic years on campus of either approved exemption or living on campus (academic year defined as Fall and spring semester)

Students may apply for exemption based on specific criteria



Must submit commuter exemption form found below.

  • Commute from home while living with a parent, grandparent, or court ordered legal guardian permanently (within approved 65 mile driving distance as further listed on the exemption form located at

Other General Exemption Established Criteria:

Must submit general exemption form found at

  • Married by the start of the semester for which they are beginning or have children (active custody)
  • Current active duty military (excludes monthly reserve service)
  • 100% of classes for the upcoming semester are online or at the Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC in Lee's Summit)*
    *Approved one semester at a time
  • Studying abroad or student teaching*
    Eligibility for exemption is only for the semester(s) spent studying abroad or student teaching (approved on semester at a time)

Transfer Students:

UCM requires transfer students who have less than 48 UCM accepted credit hours to reside on campus (unless they are 21 years of age or older OR meet other exemption criteria listed on the general exemption form found below).

Transfer students may apply for exemption if they are a new transfer meeting one of the following requirements:

    • Have an associate degree awarded prior to the semester the student is beginning at UCM
    • 48 or more UCM accepted credit hours awarded prior to the semester the student is beginning at UCM
      • Note that approval cannot occur until ALL credits are accepted and on file at UCM
    • Has lived in a residence hall on another campus for four (4) semester (must show documented proof)

See general exemption form located below


Students filing for exemption two weeks into the semester for which they are requesting exemption will be billed a processing fee of $50.

Request for Exemption Forms (please download the correct form)


If you are in need of the 2024-2025 exemption form(s), please request via email to




See the section below for 2025-2026 forms (for use only for 2025-2026 academic year)










2025-2026 Commuting Exemption Form

This is the proper form for those requesting for exemption based on actively/permanently residing with parents/grandparents/legal guardians within an approved 65 mile driving distance (see further clarity on the form).  

  • The first page provides full instructions and all additional required documents

    • Note that proof of address is required for parent, grandparent or legal guardian 

  • The second page (fillable PDF) must be filled in completely.  

    The form must be signed and dated by student AND parent/grandparent/legal guardian as well as signed/stamped by a notary.  

Download the 2025-2026 Commuter Exemption Form



2025-2026 General Exemption Request (Non-commuting)

See above for the commuter form

  • This is the general request form and not for those who are requesting exemption based on living with parent/grandparent/legal guardian within an approved 65 mile driving distance (see above for that form)

  • Students must submit general request form (fillable PDF) based on the qualifying exemption criteria listed and email it for review.  If you feel you meet other possible criteria, please email to inquire. 

Download the 2025-2026 General Exemption Request Form (Non-Commuter)



2025-2026 Off-Campus Fraternity Chapter House Exemption Request Form


  • This form is just for approved off-campus fraternity chapter houses per the Memorandum of Understanding between approved chapters and the University of Central Missouri.  

  • The second page (fillable PDF) must be filled in completely.  

    The form must be signed and dated by student AND parent/grandparent/legal guardian as well as signed/stamped by a notary.  

Download the 2025-2026 Greek Exemption Form




Check Your Dining Dollar Balance

Know your dining dollar balance

Click below to check dining dollar balance.  This does not track swipes, but just dining dollar and Central Cash for current term.

Use the drop down menu to selection if a student user or faculty/staff.



Update Your Apt/Room Condition Inventory

Find an issue with your room within one week of move-in and want to report it on your inventory?

Housing gives you the option to update your condition inventory within one week of move-in for issues/damages you may have missed.

Submissions submitted after one week of moving in including room changes with not be accepted.

Check Laundry Machine Availability by Building

Follow instructions below on downloading the app to track laundry machine availability 


Laundry Tracking

Laundry Machine Instructions and Reporting Issues

Laundry Machine Instructions & Tips:

See PDF Instructions here :



Report Machine Problems
See PDF Instructions here or as seen in previous drop down/below


Reporting Laundry Issues


WiFi Connection & Registering Devices on Network

WiFi Login - Computers, phones, tablets, etc. 


Devices such as phones, laptops, desktops, tablets, etc. do not need to register with network.  Most devices should be able to use the standard User ID/password authenication.  This will be your Network ID and password.  


Please note that personal routers are not allowed on campus as they interfere with the university’s network.

Helpful information regarding getting the most out of your WiFi signal can be found on the page.

View Wi-FI How to!


View WiFi Login How-To


Registering Wifi  Devices on Network


Devices such as smart tvs, gaming systems, smart home devices (such as Alexa, Google Home, etc), and streaming devices (such as Roku, Firestick, etc) must be registered in order to access the wifi internet connection.


UCM no longer provides cable within the residence halls or apartments. However, the Office of Technology has created a process for students to register various devices if students wish to stream their favorite shows, movies, or play their favorite video games.  


Students are allowed to register 10 devices.


To register devices  please visit the link below for instructions!

If you are experiencing issues, please contact the Technology Support Center:  /offices/office-of-technology


View Device Registration How-to




Online Dining Dollars Purchase

Students may make additional deposits to their spending account in increments of $50 Dining Dollars (dining dollars can only be used on campus).  See our for full meal plan rates.


Sign in via your


Dining Dollars

Note that dining dollars are not instantly added to your account.  The submission must be processed by our office and then loaded on manually by Sodexo so it could take 24 hours to be fully loaded onto your ID.

University Housing Policies



UCM Student Handbook (Guide to Good Decision Making)

Students are expected to be aware of and follow policies at all times.

Housing policies begin on page 30

Roommate Agreement

Submit Work Order/Maintenance Request

You may submit a work order/maintenance request below or via


Click Here for Instructions on How to Submit Work Order!

