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Getting Recognized

Student Organization Recognition

UCM has over 185 registered student organizations. Each fall, organizations have to register with the Office of Student Activities in order to stay in good standing, receive funding and be able to use facilities free of charge.

Starting an organization is an easy process as well, and we encourage you do so if you’re interested.

Getting Recognized

students sitting on the lawn at the library

Starting a New Group

To start a new student organization on campus, you must submit the application to the Office of Student Activities, Union 217. Along with the application, we need a list of at least eight members with 700# and a constitution. Once the application has been reviewed, the president and the advisor will receive an email with the online registration instructions.

The application can be found in MyCentral under the Student Services tab, then click activities. The New Student Organization Request Form can be found halfway down the page.  If you prefer a hard copy of the application, please stop by Union 217.

student exec group discussing their upcoming agenda

Register a Current Organization

Each fall semester, student organizations are required to register. Three items must be completed in the MyCentral Student Organization Application in order to be a registered student organization.

Leaders will need to make sure the most current constitution is on file, update the member roster (must have at least 8 members to be a organization) and list all the officers include the advisor.

In addition to registering, the Office of Student Activities has multiple meeting and a representative must attend the meeting each Fall semester.

Student grouped together

MyCentral Registration Tutorial

In order to be a recognized student organization, each group need to register in fall and update their officers after each election.  This tutorial will help go step by step on how to register the group in MyCentral. 

Benefits of being a registered student organization with the Office of Student Activities include:

  • Funding
  • Use of facilities free of charge
  • Posting of fliers
  • Recognized on the website
  • Recruitment Opportunities at the Involvement Fair
